Absolution So it started with seagal whispering how he can't trust anyone so he looked exactly like the Lego man they told seagal about a terrorist And seagal is the only man that can do the job!!! Then seagal put on his dollar tree sunglasses and looked at pictures of the terrorists Then seagal went to Ukraine. They showed the bad guys. I guess all of The bad guys had hookers. Seagal walked in and shot a few people. A karate guy beat up guys watching soccer. "Ahhh ahhhh" seagal said when he killed a guy with beard. Seagal and the karate guy exploded a van. Seagal went to a restaurant. He asked for cigars and had a memory of some woman The karate guy told seagal he had a massage with a happy ending. Seagal said to the karate guy he saved the karate guys boss. The karate guy told seagal an Asian saying. Seagal agreed that they do everything together. Some hooker ran away from some guys. She ran into seagal and asked seagal for help. So seagal beat the guys up. The hooker asked seagal for help again. Ad seagal was like "ahhh get out of my car ahhh I'm not like the bad guys ahhh." The government officials at the US embassy were like "oh damn seagal is here." Seagal told the karate guy he brought the hooker to the room And seagal was like "ahhh I'm going to drop the girl off in the woods and give her money." The hooker told seagal that the bad guys will kill him and seagal was like "ahhh oh wow." Hooker: "Come here to take care of baby! THREE FUCKING YEARS they force me." Hooker: "SOFIA BE MY SISTER She get beat BY PIPE!" Some guy wore a luchador mask. The guy beat women in a room at the night club and recorded it. Seagal told the hooker "ahhh I've been a bad guy I've learned to not trust anyone I believe everyone out there is out to fuck me and I want to do one good thing I want to find this guy (that killed your sister) for my is own absolution." (name of the movie) Hooker: I have camera I can show you everything. So the bad guys called the us government about seagal stealing the hooker. The government official told seagal to bring the girl back to the bald white guy. The karate guy had a Russian translator choke a guy and try to get info from him. Seagal had a memory of some woman in poor health. Then seagal walked into a building a shot a few people. Seagal looked on from a car wearing gas station sunglasses seagal then called the bad guy said "Your hanging out with the wrong people." boom the explosion. Guy flew out the window Karate guy showed up the bad guys house and did karate. The karate guy poured hot tea on one the bad guys and the bad guy said "I work for the boss." Seagal walked in the night club with the hooker the hooker grabbed the camera And gave it to seagal. Oh and the karate man also went to the night club. Seagal beat some dudes up. Also The karate guy beat up a guy. The karate guy was hit by a car. Seagal saw this and said "I will do bad things to the bad people." So they took the karate guy to the boss and cut him with a knife. So the fbi agent turned on seagal. Sagal was unimpressed and didn't care. Seagal said the fbi guy was a wannabe because he talks too much. Seagal have the hooker a gun and left the hooker in the car. The bad guy kept punching the karate guy over and over. The karate guy while handcuffed put a guy in a triangle choke. Of course the hooker left the car after seagal told her not too. Hooker: "DATS Fo SOFIA!" she then pistol whipped some woman then shot her and said dats fo me. The karate guy beat up two guys. The somebody shot the karate guy. Karate guy no sold it got up and shot a few people then seagal slit the former fbi agents throat. Then stole the agents phone. Seagal called the main bad guy and arranged a final fight with the dude and said "Fuck you bitch!" then hung up the phone So seagal met the bad guy at the night club some other bad guys showed up. THE Karate guy also showed up. Seagal gave the camera back to the dude. Seagal then beat the guy up like he was a speed bag. Seagal then slid the bad guy down the bar. Meltzer: "That spot was stolen from every western movie." Then kicked the dude through a glass wall and he was impaled on something. Seagal walked away. Karate guy and seagal said "When the knives come out no words are left spoken." Now seagal is starting over I guess he's with the hooker in a relationship? And for the karate guy he stayed behind in Ukraine to do steam and cream massages. THE END.