OK so for some reason my timer wouldn't work soooo..
I waited and waited then I placed the order and used the old people clock.
The old people clock.
Then again....
If it was a real "old people clock" it would not approve of this.
Why? Old people always say the chinese are the root of all evil...
Vince McMahon: "Well never the less..... In any event."

I was really hungry....
Like Really hungry...
BTW for those keeping track at home I ordered from the Yummy House.
Soooooooo I ordered TWO orders...
One order of combination fried rice.
AND the other was crab fried rice.
It was too much thru the 2nd order I was about to tap.
But just like when Triple H tore his quad I finished the match.

OVERALL: "This maybe the most expensive Chinese Thursday yet....
I MAY have OD'd on fried rice... Oh and yes I had to get the Tums out.
it was too much and that was my fault not... NOT the Yummy House."