So this seagal movie was made in 2016 It was a direct to DVD release. Uhhh ok do they still have direct to DVD releases? So it started with seagal loading a gun wearing dollar tree sunglasses. So these gangs met. The guy in flannel looked and sounded like konan. So everyone waa shot by seagal. Yes at the very start right out of the fucking gate. Everyone died. Then the car blew up!!!!!11 Yes seagal had a bomb on the car. Hahaha so it says the title code of honor they really should've rolled the credits that's it. A guy went up seagal and he just stabbed him. Bodies were everywhere lol and the news crew was there. So the fbi agent told the police chief hahaha we have a one man army. So the bad guys killed a guy because a guy didn't know what seagal was the guy that set them up. Seagal with the dollar tree sunglasses went to the strip club. (I GOTTA DO THAT) The strippers said seagal was the scary guy in the back that doesn't tip. Hahaha she should've said the guy wearing dollar tree sunglasses. Seagal left the building and the exploded a bomb hahaha so the strippers died. So the strippers may have lived. They were In the dressing room. Seagal walked by the crime scene Haha he wanted to give it a last look. The fbi agent knew it was a vigilante. So he told the police force that this seagal is a one man army! So the police were arresting some people and seagal just shot them Bryan Alvarez: "This doesn't happen in real life!" Btw 30 minutes into the movie and seagal hasn't said one word! Dave Meltzer: "He had no mic skills!" The fbi agent killed 2 bad guys. Haha seagal shot the pimp Hahaha then the stripper stole the money. So they went to the strippers house. So the fbi agent beat up bad guys. He was like Popeye. It was like a grand thect auto Video game. MISSON: "Take the girl to the police station and shoot and stab everyone in sight!" Seagal FINALLY spoke at the 48 mimute mark and said what's wrong with you your slipping. Then I thought wait there is 59 minutes left in this movie how in the hell do they have that much time left? I think seagal has killed every bad guy but one. Seagal said he appreciated the fbi agent killing the bad guys. Would you give your life to save the world and nobody knew you did it? Bryan Alvarez: "So now he's getting philosophical?" Simon showed up again. Is Simon Elliot Davis? Seagal killed more drug dealers. Hahaha it was funny So the stripper showed up at the fbi agents house with her loser son. Talk about buzz kill. This fucking kid waa a buzz kill cock block. The kid asked the fbi agent is he's a good guy or a bad guy? OMG if that loser kid showed up i would be so pissed lol The fbi agent told the police the mob boss wants to meet him alone. Seagal met with the fbi agent and the fbi agent told seagal he had to take him down. Seagal asked him you want a cigar? Seagal still loves his country and his family and he won't accept crime in this country. The remaining bad guy saw seagal on the security camera. Seagal said "I never went over the speed limit and I served my country ahhh and his wife was killed ahhh if I'm the bad guy what does that make you?" Bryan Alvarez: "This next scene was fake!" Sooo seagal is now Batman why so the fbi agent was wearing a wire BUT seagal had a anti wire device and the fbi agent was like I'll shoot you and seagal was like wellllll ahhh the chair your sitting on has a bomb underneath hahaha ahh you shoot me you die. So a bad guy tried to kill the fbi agent. Ok so the fbi agent killed the bad guy and the mob boss kept shooting the bad guy hahaha so funny. This maybe the best scene In the whole movie. So the fbi agent shot and killed everyone. Yes he did it while sitting and was fooled him to think that there was a bomb under the chair. The police chief was stunned at this. The Elliot Davis wanna be got a note to meet up. So the ramano guy was shot. By seagal who was on the other end of town. Magic shot!!! Dave Meltzer: "What is this Dealy Plaza?" So the fbi agent isn't an fbi agent. Vince Russo: "SWEREVE BRO!" sooo the Elliott Davis wanna be met with seagal. Seagal said he's a man with a plan and there will be a regime change and seagal killed the camera man by throwing a knife and then he killed the reporter with a knife hahaha okaaay lol The mayor is next haha they ran out of people to kill Soooo seagal wasn't the vigilante? So seagal beat up the pretend fbi agent on the roof top. Police hate you family hates you I'll get your first. Seagal then set a bomb off the expoloed. And lots of things including a helicopter and some of the building exploded. So the kid got a baseball glove from the fake fbi agent??? THE END WTF did I just see???