10-13-84 Gordon solie welcomed us Chief Joe lightfoot vs one of the Hollywood blondes Gordon put over the extreme referee So the chief won with a snap mare and his shoulders were up Billy Graham major things have happened Graham had a knife or a spike and he has stolen the spike "the golden spike" They showed house show footage of superstar trying to get the spike from Sullivan so superstar attempted to STAB Sullivan Graham: "I will destroy the world of sulibam and I am the only man to take it from him and superstar Graham AND will give back the spike might be in Orlando or Miami!" They showed a pre tape of Oliver humperdink and Kevin Sullivan Sullivan said he's the man that sent superstar to the river bottom and he's the one man that he can believe in is the man abudahdean AND Abudahdean sent to him THE PURPLE HAZE don't turn your back!" Superstar: "it makes no difference who you have! I will give you the golden spike!" Larry Hamilton said dory funk and Jesse Barr are in store for a fight Pez Whatley a lotta funk going on yeaaah Superstar had is feud with Sullivan but Sullivan has abudahdean Missing children: Jeremy Keith Gonzalez last seen on August 20th 1981 last seen in Orlando maybe in Buffalo, NY or Coco beach FL Rebecca Virgina Banks AKA Becky Last seen January 1984 in new smerya beach she could be in Daytona Houston or Middletown Ohio 1-800-342-0821 Pez Whatley vs Tommy Wright So they ran down the pez resume Pez had a good drop kick and won with a flying body drop Buddy Colt put over Ric Flair They showed footage of Flair Dory Funk is here looking like someone selling life insurance he put over Jesse Barr They showed footage of Jesse's shoulder breaker in slow mo and from different angles Dory put over the shoulder breaker And then they showed house show footage of dory and Jesse Barr beating down Scott mcgee and Billy Jack Jesse said he is not overly aggressive So Jesse Barr beat Billy Jack clean with the shoulder breaker The Hollywood blonde vs Mike Graham Jesse Barr BURIED Mike Graham' s firemans carry Superstar watched Mike's match Mike Graham won with a leg lock type move Scott mcgee confronted Jesse Barr Mike Graham looked on he was barley tall enough to see over the desk lol Scott mcgee went against someone in red Jobber in red Both men knocked heads So Jesse Barr ran in and brawler with Scott mcgee Dory watched on and attempted to sell life insurance Scott mcgee suplexed the jobber in red Barry Darsow doing a Russian gimmick with the saint The saint is awesome i have no idea what he's saying but he's awesome Crushed Kruseiv and the saint vs Angela Mosca and coca Somoa The saints favorite submission is the inverted back hold so they say Actually this tag team match wasn't so bad the saint then used a loaded glove A cool looking tag team torture rack was used by the saint and Darsow The fantastics music video was shown THEY STOLE THIS FROM THE FABOULS ONES Dory Funk with Dave Kent BTW I have no idea who Dave Kent is so they had a bag of feathers they showed footage of them tar and feathering Scott McGhee they challenged Mike Graham to a tar and feather match Dory Funk vs Larry Hamilton Dory did a bunch of submissions So Larry did like 6 leap frogs and a good drop kick Hamilton jumped to the turnbuckle where dory was and landed badly Superstar Billy Graham ran in Dory and superstar brawled they kept knocking the ref down lol Dory kept going for the spinning toe hold like 3 times lol Don Kent punched superstar in the bad eye Superstar's kicks were real bad and the show just ended lol that's it