Yes a review of just wings AND NOTHING ELSE!

This was the Hunan Kitchen's wings:

$6.99 for 5 wings!
I think it's kinda a rip off...
And well to be honest it was ok they were meaty but ehhhh....
not like crispy at all it looks like there would be somesort.
of teriyaki flavor and well there wasn't sooo.....
*1/2 STAR

This was the yummy house's wings:

now Yummy house gives you EIGHT wings for $7.00
and well they were great!
very crispy and I got the BBQ sauce which came with it that was great.
very meaty not too small and not too fatty!
I'll say **** STARS

OK next.....
The Hunan House's wings

good sized wings!
you get 6 for $7.20
not very crispy but......
not bad I guess...
BUT not great sooo I'll say **1/2 STARS

And the last is........
China House Buffett.

$6.75 for eight wings.
Ok these were smaller wings...
Very crispy wings!
good amount of meat and not much fat....
These tasted like Buffalo Wild Wings' wings
I'll say *** STARS