From hell it came It just started in a Chemical lab They talked. About THE monster. Then the opening credits. A tree walked to avenge the wrongs. The text was on the screen forever. The Pacific islanders had a guy tied up. The islanders spoke in perfect English. The guy tied up said "I'm going to hell and everyone will make pay for their crimes!" The islanders killed the guy. Back in the lab two white guys discussed the islanders. Then a scream a woman was out for some reason she was woken up. Apparently she passed by an islander ceremony. This woman had a really dumb annoying voice. They kept showing a tree with a skull on it and the roots of the tree. The woman with the annoying voice saw another woman and complimented her perfume. Bryan Alvarez: "This doesn't happen in real life!" A woman was taking a shower while talking to another woman the woman with dark hair was kinda hot. An islander walked into the lab. The doctors In the lab have chased away the bad spirits. A woman was recovering from the plague ha in 2021 she would've had cornonavirus The islanders had poison berries. A guy gave a woman some flowers. And the woman buried the guy when the guy tried to kiss her and the woman said she didn't love him back. Vince Russo: BRO they cut this guys balls off BRO The woman wanted to see a grave and isn't afraid of a local medicine man iron sheik. They showed a professor a pic if the tree. An islander warned that a tree monster is coming. The tree had a heart beat. Dave Meltzer: "Uhhh wait Trees don't have heart beats." The islander said this tree is cursed. And the woman said this tree knows what were saying. Meltzer: "HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?" The islander guy cut a ultimate warrior type promo. So they brought the tree to the lab and put a stethoscope to the tree and it had a pulse. Alvarez: "THIS IS FAKE!" The tree left the lab a monkey walked in Yes that is what fucking happened. A woman was mad at another woman they attempted to fight. Meltzer: "The work was really poor I give it a DUD!" So a woman stabbed another woman into the evil tree. The evil tree carried the woman and threw her into quick sand. Btw this evil tree looked like it was made by like fucking 3rd graders like paper mache. The paper mache tree just walked around. The tree waddled into an islander. The woman wanted the tree to live but not to destroy. The islanders set up a trap for the tree. So the tree was walking around like Khali. And the islanders looked at it and sold for it. The tree fell into the trap. The tree was set on fire which it no sold. So it is the fiend? The islanders told the white guys the tree no sold the fire. The tree ate another person. Then the tree looked at someone and the person it looked at fell down a hill. The tree grabbed a woman. And carried her around. They shot at the tree the tree of course no sold it. You think if they shot the fiend his fat ass would no sell it. So after firing shot after shot the tree eventually fell in quick sand. So the guy and the girl kissed. And another woman asked the professor if he's married. THE END! Haha wow ok what an ending it just ended abruptly!