Roddy Piper: "Welcome to Piper's pizza! Dis is da number one talk show and it be better than young rock!"

Piper: "As you can see that little Dewey thinks he can threaten us!"

Piper: "Da thing is I was born threatend.... When I grow up I be fighing on da streets!"

Piper: "Dis whole thing is gonna be street style now!"

Piper: "And Who better to have as my back up... Yah you know dem!"

Piper: "Dey got me and what I didn't know dat dese turtles love da pizza! So once I open the pizza shop dey wit me!"

Piper: "We be da most fearsome fighting team I got heroes in a half-shell and dey be green!"

Piper: "C'mon out Dewey! C'mon get ya uncles skirt! And Dewey come face me man to man and man to turtle!"

The Rock's theme hits

Rock: "The Rock says The Rock didn't make a threat.. The Rock made a promise!"
Piper: "OK Dewey we gunna fight again and.."

Piper: "You want a fight? OK No ring and no family! NO BULLSHIT!"
Rock: "The Rock agrees and no turtles!"

Rock: "And ayyy Piper bring your balls oh your turtle friends don't have balls!"
Piper: "Ayyyy Dewey tell your uncle I gotcha skirt!"

Piper throws the tribal kilt on Rock

Rock clotheslines the turtles

Rock brawls with Piper and the turtles

Piper hits Rock with a chair

Piper: "I'll kill that mother fucker! You crazy? You know who you playin with? I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!"

Piper: "I KILL that mother fucker!"