Brian Pillman: "Welcome to the sho-"

Shawn Michaels: "Ladies and genelteman DX is HERE!"
Xpac: "And we at DX we tell the Harts to SUCK IT!"

Shawn: "In prison the Harts are getting it from behind!"
Xpac: "And they SUCK IT IN PRISON!"

Bob Backlund: "And Superstar is getting pounded!"

Bob: "Superstar was so scared of me and my charisesymaaah!"

Punk and Daniel Bryan go down the stairs

Punk: "Shawn you and Xpac are drug addicts!"
Shawn: "Nope not me I'm a good christian man NOW I have been saved!"

Daniel Bryan: "And we do not eat any GMO's!"
Xpac: "Whaaa you don't eat any goats?"

Shawn: "Punk you are a great value Bret Hart!"
Punk: "NO I'm better than Bret!"

Shawn: "Oh right you are better than Bret."
Punk: "Thank you!"

Shawn: "You turned away more viewers than Bret and like Bret couldnt draw flies to poo!"

Backlund back suplexs Bryan

Xpac and Shawn beatdown Punk
Pillman: "C'mon guys!"

Superkick to Punk
Shawn: "You wanna be like Bret? Well Bret lways got superkicked!"

Shawn: "Give him the bronco buster!"

Jim Neidhart: "Fuck yeeeu NAHHH HEEEH HEH!"

Jim throws Xpac
Shawn: "What are you doin-"

back elbow to Shawn

Pillman: "Jim, What are you doing here?"
Jim: "I'm here to stop DX DUH!"

Jim: "I was a record holder in an anvil toss now I set the record for a Xpac toss!"

Jim: "And I'm going to join Punk and Bryan to take on these punks HA HA HA!"