Tito Santana: "John?"
John Cena: "Tito? What are you doing here?"

Tito: "I wanted to come and see you."
Cena: "Thanks, Tito. It means a lot."

Tito: "I know uhhh you're an innocent man,you are not a killer.
I'm so sorry uhh that you're going through this."
Cena: "I never quit! And I got good news."

Cena: "Billy Jack Haynes told me He knows who's behind all this!
Billy is going to tell me so I gotta find him!
We can finally end this Mohawk Valley Prowler blackmailer craziness.
I gotta get outta here.
I'm going to escape and get to Billy Jack."
Tito: "John, I get it, you want to get to the bottom of this,
but you know Billy is full of it cmon my man!
Escaping from prison don't do it!
John please don't do that."

David Crockett: "Corn on the Cob, the wrestling fans want to know...
What about your rematch for the LOL title."
Corn: "Well fans I've been waiting for this moment for months.
Where's ALF? I want my rematch!"

Crockett: "You're going to need more than cornflakes to beat ALF, Corn."
Corn: "I'm faster than a kernel of corn in a microwave.
So ALF I want my rematch!"

Bob Caudle: "Welcome to the Legends Only League, wrestling fans.
In the opening segment, we had the latest happening in the John Cena case.
And how about Corn calling out ALF? WOW!
Now, it's time for some more interviews.
Joining us next are two of the biggest stars in the business today:
Dusty Rhodes and Mr. T."

Dusty Rhodes' theme hits

Bob Caudle: "Dusty Rhodes and Mr. T, you two have a big challenge.
You're going up against Roddy Piper,
The foot clan and the Ninja Turtles."
Dusty Rhodes: "Well, Bob, let me tell yah sumthen.
Ain't no Ninja Turtle that can stop da merican Dream!
Aint nobody guna stop Mistah T.
We be da toughest tag team in da hole
wiiide World Bob n we guna prove it, daddeh!"
Mr. T: "Pipuh and his Turtles are gunna be in for a world of hurt.
We're gonna take them out, one by one!"

Dusty Rhodes: "Roddy Piper is nuten but a punk.
And so is hiz tortoises dey r a bunch of lil punks.
Dey not going to be able to handle da merican Dream and Mr. T
We gona to beat em so bad, dey're gona wish dey were nevah born
or hatched da tortoises come outta eggs ya see it be like Easter tell em T!"
Mr. T: "Ain't no doubt about dat, eggs!
Da damn Turtles are from eggs and Pipuh and da Shreddeuh we guna Crack me lyke eggs!"

lights go out

Rhodes: "Who Dis magician tortoise?"

Piper: "It's me again!"

Roddy Piper puts Dusty in a sleeper hold

Paul Orndorff: "Hey Roddy operation take out T is in order!"

Caudle: "Ricky Rhodes! Ricky go get em!"

Ordorff tackles Ricky Rhodes

Shredder stabs Goldust

Piper: "Paul finish it off!"

Orndorff pile drives Ricky Rhodes