Vegas 43

Honky Tonk Man: "Hey Zilla bring it down on this fucker!"
Vegas 43

Godzilla throws a park bench on Maniacos
Vegas 42

Vegas 41

HTM: "Fuck you you damn mark!"
Vegas 40

Mean Gene Oklerlund: "Maniacos has been attacked get somebody out there!"
Vegas 65

Vegas 64

FINNNALLLLLY Maniacos is relevant again."
Vegas 63

The Rock: "That trailer park trash is relevant thanks to The Rock!
The people want to talk legends?
The people want to talk legacies?
The people don't know shit!"
Vegas 63

The Rock: "Let The Rock talk about Maniacos' crumbling empire.
His failed reality show.
His failed grill.
The Rock says you can take that grill and shove it up your ass!"
Vegas 62

The Rock: "The Rock asks for this big match.
The Great one versus the orange man.
Will Nick Hogan provide valet parking?
Or will Brooke sing?
The Rock says...
Brooke left the spotlight faster than Nick Hogan going through a stoplight!"
Vegas 61

Linda Hogan's theme hits
Vegas 60

The Rock: "Oh and Linda...
She has felt THE ROCK!"
Linda Hogan: "Terry you could never satisfy me.
You always were a dead fish."
Vegas 60

The Rock: "The Rock asks you Linda...
Do you love The Rock's strudel?"
Linda: "More than you know!"
Vegas 59

The Rock: "So Maniacos get ready...
To face the Brahma Bull.
Face the man who stole your woman.
The man who stole your spotlight in Hollywood."
Vegas 59

The Rock: "And when The Rock whips that ass, remember one thing...
The only prayers you'll be needing are for forgiveness...
Because you'll be begging for it.
When you let your liddle crybaby maniacs down.
Vegas 59

The Rock: "The Rock is gonna lay the SmackDown on your legacy.
Harder than the palm tree Nick Hogan crashed into!
If YAaaaaaaaaahhh smellll
What the Rock is cooookinggg!"
Vegas 59

Rock kisses Linda
Vegas 58