Bull 3

Pat McAfee: "Welcome to Miami!
Myself and Superstar are here basking in the sun!"
Superstar Billy Graham: "Yeah dats rite my brotha I kno all bout that sun daddy!"
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McAfee: "Superstar lets bring out Roman Reigns!"
Superstar: "Great idea so Roman come on down!"
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The Rock's theme hits
Bull 3

Rock: "You two jabronis get outta here!
Off is the direction you jabronis can fuck!"
Bull 3

Rock: "The Rock is in the park
The Rock knows it isnt the Fourth of July
The Rock is in the park.
The Rock knows it isnt the Fourth of July
The People dancing, The people laughing
A jabroni selling ice cream.
Singing country songs!"
Bull 3

Linda Hogan: "Are you looking forward to my singing at the Collasal Tussel?"
Rock: "Oh baby you know it.
And The Rock has got to ask you... Linda....
Are you ready?
Are you ready for the Rock's strudel?"
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Roman Reigns' theme hits
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Rock: "If YAaaaaaaaaahhh smellll What
The Rock and Roman Reigns are cooking!"
Roman Reigns: "Don't BEE too sure about that!"
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Mean Gene Okerlund: "Ladies and gentlemen welcome my guest...Maniacos!"
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Maniacos: "Brotherrrr! Maniacos is here, and let me tell ya Mean Gene...
The mania is runnin' WILD at the thought of the Colossal Tussel!"
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Maniacos: "The Rock thinks he can electrify the crowd?
Well, brother, when he faces Maniacos, it's not electricity, it's a full-blown LIGHTNING STORM!
And this storm's gonna take down his ego faster than Nick Hogan on a two lane road DUDE!"
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Maniacos: "That's why I wanna guarantee one thing: at the Colossal Tussel, DUDE
when the bell rings, there'll be something BUZZING right beside me, a BEE who respects tradition...
A BEE who knows what it means to be a true friend..
Roman Reigns will be in Maniacos' corner!"
Bull 3

Maniacos: "The Rock can bring his electricity..
But when the Head of the Hive stands with Maniacos..
There's only gonna be one outcome: a victory for The Mania!
The Rock will be WISHING he stayed in Hollywood!
Because at the Colossal Tussel, he'll be facing not just Maniacos but the whole MANIA!"
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Maniacos: "Because at the Colossal Tussel, brother,
Maniacos and Roman Reigns are gonna run wild!
And The Rock is gonna get STUNG!"
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