Mortal kombat annihilation At least it has the theme. A recap of the tournament Liu Kang won. Right off the bat the bad Neil Breen special effects. And motaro and sheva are here. Shao Khan says mankind will rest in peace Shao Khan looked like a guy dresses up at comicon as shao Khan. Mother your alive... TOO BAD YOU...... WILL DIE! So they fought. Shao Khan killed Johnny Cage. In 6 days you will bow to me. BRYAN ALVAREZ: Why does Sonya look like a high school literature teacher??? Raiden went on and on about the tournament it looked like his hair was put in a straightener. So raiden and Sonya went in a giant ball you would see in American gladiators. I think it was barracka bald white guy talked with some dude he was happy about shao Khan I think. Soooo Liu Kang was about to kiss katana then I think smoke cock blocked him. Jobbers ran in then got beat down by katana btw katana looked like she did cross fit. Sub zero flew in. Dave Meltzer: Wait when did sub zero learn How to fly? Btw sub zero had extra hair dye in. At least scorpion said get over here. Scorpion fought sub zero. AT least the wore the right outfits. BUT boy the special effects for the ice was TERRIBLE! Jax showed up and he voluntarily had the metal arms put on. Cyrax walked slowly in. And fought jax. Jax was super cool. Like all the other good guys seemed lame. Jax no sold cyrax's web gimmick. Sonya threw powder in cyrax's eyes? Jax said Sonya bbq'd his ass. Jim Cornette: SHE STOLE THE POWDER FROM JERRY LAWLER... MOTHER FUCKER! Shevea talked with motaro. Mike Francesca: Argh okay we got Shever. Someone was thrown into a fire pit. I think it was Rain? Chyna should've played sheva. Shao Khan named Sindel the new General. Jim Cornette: ANOTHER THING STOLEN FROM LAWLER IS KHAN LAWLER AND SINDEL STACY THE CAT CARTER?? Nightwolf attacked Liu Kang and nightwolf talked about an animalality. Liu Kang had Vietnam like flash backs and had visions of the bad guys then he felt his animalality?? Jade showed up apparently she's now Asian? I thought jade was African American? Jade then put her tits in Liu Kang's face and kissed him. Apparntly all the women want Liu Kang? And I guess Liu Kang dreamnt that and jade attacked him. Then jade said it was a test. Dave Meltzer: Jade should've gave Liu Kang a scantron test. Katana spit on Shao Khan. Katana cut a real bad promo on Khan. Jax and Sonya bickered back and forth like an old married couple. Melina showed up and fought Sonya in the mud. Mike Francesca: Argh okay we got Maliner Vince Russo: BRO THIS IS WHAT THE WHOLE MOVIE SHOULD BE BRO! Then some bizzare BAD CGI monster showed up and jobbed to Jax. raiden asked someone questions about the earth haha ok? Dave Meltzer: He should've asked Siri. So Sonya and jax ran into Liu Kang and jade BRYAN ALVAREZ: While in the FUCKING DESERT Sonya then somehow went to a laundromat and cleaned her clothes? Then in the middle of the FUCKING movie raiden got a hair cut and he even asked liu Kang what do you think of my new look? BRYAN ALVAREZ: Sooooo in the desert they have a barber shop right next to the FUCKING laundromat. Raiden buried Jax's arms saying how he didn't need them. Sindel screamed and rocks fell I think the same thing happens when Bryan Alvarez screams. Sindel was there and I thought who has better delivery Sindel or Donna Gagne? Jax saw Sindel and said look at this bitch having a bad hair day haha Sindel was killed by jade I think. Shao Khan yelled about something. Liu Kang saw katana in a bird cage. Barracka showed up looking like a bad 1950s horror movie monster. Well barracka did a job. Sheva was crushed by the bird cage. You know what's weird katana looked older than Sindel. Sindel looked like a porn star. Sindel murdered a promo then transformed into jade. Liu Kang was like "Oh you will die for this jade.... Oh hum.." They noticed raiden's tattoo Raiden said Shao Khan is his brother. So sindel no sold death and a monster ate jade! Motaro talked shit on Sindel then was bitch slapped. Haha okaaaay? Liu Kang said he's not ready to fight khan. Liu Kang said we will die in battle Such poor delivery haha Raiden and Shinok bickered back and forth haha Shinok looked like a bad villain from walker Texas ranger. Raiden took a bump. Raiden said he's immortal Motaro fought jax And tore the metal arms off Ok I'll say this in this movie the guys got there shit in unlike the 2021 movie. Oh a production gaff shao Khan's cape was back on after it was removed. So Liu Kang then was a monster Shao Khan then was a dragon? Wow THIS WAS SOOOO FUCKING BAD! OMG LIKE NEIL BREEN LEVELS The older gods showed up?? The mortal kombat theme hit. Shao Khan fought Liu Kang. I guess Khan died? Shinok was put in a rubix cube. So the merger of outworld and earth didn't take. Jax said that was the longest week of his life. Raiden saw some visions? Liu Kang and katana kissed. Raiden said he'll be watching so stay out of trouble we are family now. It's all over let's go home.